Is Kilimanjaro Evil : Exploring the Mystique of Kilimanjaro

Is Kilimanjaro Evil : the Mystique of The Mountain

Is Kilimanjaro Evil : Exploring the Mystique of Kilimanjaro
Is Kilimanjaro Evil : Exploring the Mystique of Kilimanjaro

Introduction to Mount Kilimanjaro

Is Kilimanjaro evil? That is the question that some curious minds ask themselves about it. Let us make it clear that Mount Kilimanjaro is a volcanic dormant mountain found in the northern part of Tanzania near by the border with Kenya.  The mountain is the highest point in African also known as the roof of Africa and it is the highest free standing mountain in the world.

A tropical mountain with snow

Mount Kilimanjaro has some features that astonish people and when they fail to explain about them then they think of evil and hence the question is Kilimanjaro evil or not. Just to answer this question, the mountain is not evil but rather it has some features that are not tropical. In most African traditions there are myths which explain origin of things.

The snow on the mountain is seen as something extraordinary and that it should not be found on a mountain located in the African tropic. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in the continent and that the height lets it have the snow as it is so much meters above sea levels and thus experiencing a different climatic condition from the one at its foot.

Near Olduvai Gorge any Link with the early person

Mount Kilimanjaro is found in more or less the same region as where the Olduvai Gorge is found an approximation of about 222 Kilometers. The Olduvai Gorge is which is also known as Oldupai Gorge is an extraordinary archeological site in Tanzania. It informs modern archeologists of evolution facts of the human person. Due to its importance to human kind, it was declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage since 1979.

Mount Kilimanjaro just like the Oldupai Gorge is also recognized by the same World body as a World Heritage to humanity. It is possible that these two natural sites being that close could have some similar extra ordinary features that they share metaphysically and thus making mount Kilimanjaro look evil.

Uhuru Torch on the Roof of Africa

When Tanzania mainland then Tanganyika became independent on 9th December 1961. The prime minister and later on president of Tanganyika sent soldiers to the top of the roof of Africa- Mount Kilimanjaro with a specific message. The soldier given the responsibility of lighting the torch on the roof of Africa was Alexander Donald Gwebe Nyirenda. He was given a specific message to read on the climax of the mountain, the message was from the prime minister.

The message was a great theme from a true Pan Africanist, who had a great vision about the unity of Africa. We know later on what Julius Nyerere did contribute to the liberation of some African countries especially the south African countries. The message read: “Let us light the Torch of Freedom and place it on top of Mount Kilimanjaro so that it shines beyond our borders, bring hope where there isn’t, love where there is hatred and respect where there isn’t” Julius Nyerere. The lighting of the Independence torch on top of the mountain is seen by others as something magical and thus could be leading to the question is Kilimanjaro evil?

Is Kilimanjaro Evil : Exploring the Mystique of Kilimanjaro
Is Kilimanjaro Evil : Exploring the Mystique of Kilimanjaro


To conclude our article, we affirm from literature that mount Kilimanjaro is not evil, only that the literature over the internet, and experience from African traditional religions reveal that Kilimanjaro is a site with spiritual significance. In traditional African religion most big items such as large trees, high mountains were regarded as places of worship and communication of the living with the ancestors who act as intermediaries to gods.

In that sense it follows that mount Kilimanjaro which is the highest in Africa should be the home of as many spirits as possible protecting the African communities and order while punishing those who disrespect the oders of the land. Some Chagga people, the dwellers of the region, believe that the spirits of mount Kilimanjaro maintain peace and order between the human beings and nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

The subject of mount Kilimanjaro is an interesting theme for discussion. Being the highest in the continent it brings in a lot of discussion about numerous issues related to the mountain. On the search engine there are questions about the same and here are some of those:

  1. Is kilimanjaro evil or good?
  2. Can the Kilimanjaro death as a mountain be predicted by science?
  3. What story behind kilimanjaro song is worthy telling?
  4. Some people ask who is Kilimanjaro person?
  5. What is the Kilimanjaro spiritual meaning in life today?
  6. Why is Kilimanjaro called Kilimanjaro?
  7. Is Kilimanjaro Dance evil?
  8. What is the Kilimanjaro dance meaning to all people?
  9. What is mount Kilimanjaro importance of people’s lives?
  10. What is the importance of mount Kilimanjaro to Africa’s economy?
  11. Is mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania?
  12. What is the origin of mount Kilimanjaro?
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